
Boriss Ravdins (sastādītājs). Rīgas izredzētais Eižens Finks

Saskaņā ar vēstures liecībām Eižens Finks ( 1885–1958) Rīgā bijis pazīstams jau 1920. gadu sākumā, taču īstie panākumi aizsākušies 20. gadu vidū, kad it visur runājuši par viņa pareģojumiem: par atentātu pret Musolīni, par Latvijas Ārlietu ministra Meijerovica, kā arī viņa sievas traģisko nāvi, Latvijas pirmā prezidenta J. Čakstes nāvi.

Pēc žurnāla “Zintnieks” galvenās redaktores Terēzes Laubes teiktā „Eižens Finks ir katra Latvijas iedzīvotāja saprātīgākā un gaišredzīgākā daļa. Cilvēks, kurš iemiesoja un iemieso “šeit un tagad” principu. Kas par to, ka fiziski Eižens Finks dzīvoja 20. gadsimtā (1885-1958)!? Šim gaišreģim nepieder ne pagātne, ne nākotne — Eižens Finks patiesībā dzīvo mūsdienu Latvijā!”

Daudzi materiāli, kā atzīst grāmatas sastādītājs, ņemti no veciem laikrakstiem, šo rakstu leksika un stilistika mūsdienu lasītājiem var likties arhaiska, nepieņemama vai pat smieklīga, bet tas ir darīts ar nolūku, lai grāmatā saglabātu 1920. – 30. gadu Latviešu žurnālistikas žanra valodas iezīmes. „Tāpat arī aiz pietātes pret aizgājušiem laikiem un to lieciniekiem, kā arī pašu valodu, kas jūtīgi uztvērusi un atspoguļojusi vēsturi, kā arī laikmeta gaumi”, tā Boriss Rvdins.

Izlasi šo grāmatu, un varbūt no tavas zemapziņas izlauzīsies kāds stars vai pat uzplauks zieds!

Stīvs DŽ. Votsons. Pirms es aizeju gulēt

“Guļamistaba man ir sveša. Iepriekš neredzēta. Es nezinu, kur atrodos un kā te nokļuvu. Nezinu, kā tikšu mājās.

Ar atvieglojumu pamanu, ka vannas istabas durvis stāv pusvirus, es ieeju un ieslēdzos.

Seja, kas raugās man pretī, nav manējā. [..] Man izlaužas neartikulēta skaņa. Tas nevar būt! Spogulī redzamais cilvēks esmu es pati, tikai par divdesmit gadiem vecāka. Nē. Divdesmit pieciem. Vēl vairāk.

Nē, es nespēju noticēt. Nē! Tas nevar būt...”

Atmiņas ir nozīmīga mūsu dzīves daļa.

Bet, ko darīt, ja katru reizi, aizejot gulēt, viss tiek pazaudēts?

Vārds, identitāte, pagātne, pat ģimene, kuru tik ļoti mīlat, – viss naktī ir aizmirsts.

Ik rītu apkārtējā pasaule ir nepazīstama un biedējoša, cilvēki – sveši. Kā saprast, kas noticis? Kam uzticēties, un kam – ne?

Psiholoģiskais trilleris “Pirms es aizeju gulēt” ir angļu rakstnieka Stīva Dž. Votsona debijas romāns, kas ieguvis neviltotu lasītāju atzinību. Darbs ir tulkots vairāk nekā trīsdesmit valodās.

Atmiņas ir viss, kas viņai pieder, un tagad ir pienācis laiks tās atgūt.

No angļu valodas tulkojusi Alda Vāczemniece.

Eva Ibotsone. Ceļojums uz Amazoni

Bārene Maija nespēj vien sagaidīt, kad sāksies viņas jaunā dzīve tālajā Brazīlijā kopā ar radiniekiem, kurus nekad nav sastapusi. Viņa cer iegūt mīlošu ģimeni, ar ko dalīties aizraujošos piedzīvojumos, bet nonāk pie ļauniem un savtīgiem cilvēkiem, kas baidās spert lieku soli ārā no mājas. Kad Maija iepazīstas ar noslēpumainu zēnu, kurš viens pats mitinās mežonīgās upes krastos, meitene pamazām atklāj neparastās zemes būtību un iemīl to no visas sirds.

Eva Ibotsone (1925–2010) ir dzimusi Vīnē Austrijā, Otrā pasaules kara laikā kopā ar ģimeni pārcēlusies uz Angliju. Viņas grāmata “Ceļojums uz Amazoni” (pirmais izdevums latviešu valodā ar nosaukumu “Ceļojums uz Jūrupi”) ir aizraujošs stāsts par britu bērnu piedzīvojumiem 20. gadsimta sākumā Amazones krastos. Grāmata ieguvusi Nestlé Smarties bērnu grāmatu galveno balvu, bijusi izvirzīta Kārnegi medaļai, Vitbreda bērnu grāmatu godalgai un Guardian balvai.

“Dzirkstoši, fantastiski... Grāmata “Ceļojums uz Amazoni” ir humorpilna, labestīga un neatvairāmi valdzinoša.”


No angļu valodas tulkojusi Māra Cielēna.

Alan K. Baker. The Gods of Atlantis (Blackwood and Harrington)

WELCOME TO ATLANTIS, 1899. Something has been discovered beneath the most sacred of burial sites on the island of Atlantis ...something that may require the rewriting of the early history of human civilisation. In London, Thomas Blackwood, Special Investigator for Her Majesty's Bureau of Clandestine Affairs and his colleague Lady Sophia Harrington, Secretary of the Society for Psychical Research, are instructed to investigate the recent disappearance of the scientists Albert Michelson and Edward Morley along with the prototype of a device which will allow the control of mechanical devices with the human mind. Michelson and Morley were last seen in the Atlantean capital, Poseidonis...In their latest adventure, Blackwood and Harrington embark on a perilous journey from the fogbound streets of London to the sundrenched and myth-haunted island of Atlantis, where they will make a shattering discovery about the ancient history of Earth ...and Mars...

Alan K. Baker. The Martian Ambassador (Blackwood and Harrington)

WELCOME TO LONDON, 1899It has been six years since the discovery of intelligent life on Mars, and relations between the two worlds are rapidly developing. Three-legged Martian omnibuses stride through the streets and across the landscape, while Queen Victoria has been returned to the vigour of youth by Martian rejuvenation drugs. Victorian computer technology is proceeding apace, thanks to the faeries who power the ‘cogitators’; while the first ’ther zeppelins are nearing completion, with a British expedition to the Moon being planned for the following year.Everything seems to be going swimmingly until Lunan R’ondd, Martian Ambassador to the Court of Saint James’s, dies while attending a banquet at Buckingham Palace. The discovery of strange, microscopic larvae in his breathing apparatus leads Queen Victoria to suspect that he may have been the victim of a bizarre assassination.The Martian Parliament agrees, and they are not pleased. No Martian has ever died in such suspicious circumstances while on Earth. An ultimatum is given: if Her Majesty’s Government cannot solve the crime and bring the perpetrator to justice, the Martians will!Enter Thomas Blackwood, Special Investigator for Her Majesty’s Bureau of Clandestine Affairs. Along with Lady Sophia Harrington, Secretary of the Society for Psychical Research, Blackwood is charged with the task of solving the mystery of Ambassador R’ondd’s death, before the Martians take matters into their own hands, possibly igniting an interplanetary war in the process!

Jonathan Green , Alan K. Baker, Rachel E. Pollock, Paul Magrs, Alison Littlewood, Simon Bucher-Jones, Jim Mortimore, Cavan Scott, Juliet E. McKenna, Kim Lakin-Smith.

Resurrection Engines: 16 Extraordinary Tales of Scientific Romance

Resurrection Engines is an anthology of Steampunk and Alternate Timeline 'retellings' and 'reimagining's' of classic fiction tales (Edgar Allen Poe, Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythology, Moby Dick, Charles Dickens, Swift's Gulliver's Travels, etc) from some of today's finest Steampunk writers.

David Barnett. Gideon Smith and the Mechanical Girl

Nineteenth century London is the center of a vast British Empire. Airships ply the skies and Queen Victoria presides over three-quarters of the known world—including the East Coast of America, following the failed revolution of 1775.

London might as well be a world away from Sandsend, a tiny village on the Yorkshire coast. Gideon Smith dreams of the adventure promised him by the lurid tales of Captain Lucian Trigger, the Hero of the Empire, told in Gideon’s favorite “penny dreadful.” When Gideon’s father is lost at sea in highly mysterious circumstances Gideon is convinced that supernatural forces are at work. Deciding only Captain Lucian Trigger himself can aid him, Gideon sets off for London. On the way he rescues the mysterious mechanical girl Maria from a tumbledown house of shadows and iniquities. Together they make for London, where Gideon finally meets Captain Trigger.

But Trigger is little more than an aging fraud, providing cover for the covert activities of his lover, Dr. John Reed, a privateer and sometime agent of the British Crown. Looking for heroes but finding only frauds and crooks, it falls to Gideon to step up to the plate and attempt to save the day...but can a humble fisherman really become the true Hero of the Empire?

David Barnett. Gideon Smith and the Brass Dragon

Nineteenth century London is the center of a vast British Empire, a teeming metropolis where steam-power is king and airships ply the skies, and where Queen Victoria presides over three quarters of the known world—including the east coast of America, following the failed revolution of 1775.Young Gideon Smith has seen things that no green lad of Her Majesty’s dominion should ever experience. Through a series of incredible events Gideon has become the newest Hero of the Empire. But Gideon is a man with a mission, for the dreaded Texas pirate Louis Cockayne has stolen the mechanical clockwork girl Maria, along with a most fantastical weapon—a great brass dragon that was unearthed beneath ancient Egyptian soil. Maria is the only one who can pilot the beast, so Cockayne has taken girl and dragon off to points east.Gideon and his intrepid band take to the skies and travel to the American colonies hot on Cockayne’s trail. Not only does Gideon want the machine back, he has fallen in love with Maria. Their journey will take them to the wilds of the lawless lands south of the American colonies—to free Texas, where the mad King of Steamtown rules with an iron fist (literally), where life is cheap and honor even cheaper.Does Gideon have what it takes to not only save the day but win the girl?

M.R. Forbes. Man Of War (Rebellion) (Volume 1)

In the year 2280, an alien fleet attacked the Earth. Their weapons were unstoppable, their defenses unbreakable. Our technology was inferior, our militaries overwhelmed. Only one starship escaped before civilization fell. Earth was lost. It was never forgotten. Fifty-two years have passed. A message from home has been received. The time to fight for what is ours has come. Welcome to the rebellion.

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